Inside Out
Information Package
For its 10th edition, Nuit Blanche Toronto will be bringing acclaimed artist JR’s Inside Out project to North York and eight other locations. This project consists of taking candid portraits of local residents in a photo booth truck, printing out the photos in a large format, and helping to install them in public spaces. Participants will be part of a social phenomenon that over 250,000 people from more than 120 countries have participated in! North York Arts is excited to invite artists, students and residents from the surrounding regions to participate for this event.
The Installation
Nuit Blanche staff and JR’s production team will arrive in the morning with a truck that has a built-in photo booth and large format printer. Participants will have their photo taken, and then bring their 3×5 foot print to the location where it will pasted onto Mel Lastman Square. A number of locations in the square will be used, including the walls by the band shell and the walkways.
For the safety of our participants, all prints pasted 6 feet above the ground will be installed by a Nuit Blanche staff member.
Participants will be asked to first sign a form that allows for JR’s staff to use your photo in other installations around Toronto, and to host the image on the INSIDE OUT website. Photos will not be used for any other promotions or advertisements.
If traveling with a group of 5 or more, please connect with Ely to confirm your time of arrival
Upon arrival at Mel Lastman Square, please check in with Ely before lining up to have your photo taken!
Look for signage to check in near the INSIDE OUT truck on Yonge Street.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I need to participate?
The process is very short. Each photo takes 3-5 minutes to take and print, and pasting takes another 5 minutes. Allow for 15 minutes to be safe, not including waiting time.
How long will the installation be featured in Mel Lastman Square?
The installation will stay up for approximately 7-10 days, during and after Nuit Blanche.
Can I volunteer with you? Will it count toward my school volunteer hours?
Yes and yes! We would love for you to get involved. Please email Ely for more information.
Is there a minimum or maximum age limit?
People of all ages and backgrounds have participated in this international installation, including infants!
Is the glue used to paste the photos harmful or toxic?
No. The Glue used is an all natural wheat based paste, which is easily washed off afterward.
What You Will Need
Clothing that you are OK getting a little dirty in! Any glue that might get on participant’s clothing is water based, and will come off easily in a washing machine. If you do not want to paste your photo, a member of the production team will be happy to help.
If you are volunteering, we recommend wearing closed toe shoes.
Your enthusiasm! The more animated these photos are, the more vibrant the installation will be.
Help us spread the word
Tell your friends, family and colleagues to contact Ely at North York Arts to learn more
about Inside Out , and schedule a time to make their mark at Mel Lastman Square.
Event website: snbto.ca
Twitter: @northyorkarts
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthYorkArts
Website: northyorkarts.org