You have lost yourself in thought. Your body has all but disappeared replaced by a fragmented world, lacking logic or direction, but somehow closer and more vivid than what was there before. You are surrounded by forms you have loved and admired and perhaps feared: jhool-wearing elephants, a gasping fish, frogs that captivate with their poisonous beauty. Sharp crystal, soft leaves. You let yourself drift in the beautiful, terrible chaos.


You have lost yourself in thought. Your body has all but disappeared replaced by a fragmented world, lacking logic or direction, but somehow closer and more vivid than what was there before. You are surrounded by forms you have loved and admired and perhaps feared: jhool-wearing elephants, a gasping fish, frogs that captivate with their poisonous beauty. Sharp crystal, soft leaves. You let yourself drift in the beautiful, terrible chaos.


The shape of a clock's face circumscribes a universe. An ocean teems with soft, sinuous, fleshy life forms that reach and crowd and intertwine. Hiding in the depths of the small, in-between spaces is a vast almost-emptiness, dotted with stars. Someone is there within the chaos. She has grabbed hold of time and become tangled with it. She feels its indifferent determination. She gazes outward, seeking something beyond it.

Keeper of Time

The shape of a clock's face circumscribes a universe. An ocean teems with soft, sinuous, fleshy life forms that reach and crowd and intertwine. Hiding in the depths of the small, in-between spaces is a vast almost-emptiness, dotted with stars. Someone is there within the chaos. She has grabbed hold of time and become tangled with it. She feels its indifferent determination. She gazes outward, seeking something beyond it.

Keeper of Time

Space and time, shaped by memory. Figures blooming from a precursory darkness, crowding the edges of a gestating consciousness, forming themselves in its proximity, a city interrupted by softly vibrant swelling wilderness.

The Waiting

A city is an organism. Neon cables reach and swoop and connect, transmitting nervous energy. A tarry intestine bubbles and weaves like a polluted stream, staring hungrily at the fish caught within its eddies. Spread across the asphalt skin, a microbiome of symbiotic life forms smile blissfully, too small to notice the roiling chaos of their ecosystem.


In dreamspace things are fragmented, inverted and remixed. Everything is strange and new but somehow completely recognizable. A jellyfish drifts through the night sky past the old water tower just like it has always, never done. A frog perches atop an auto rickshaw, refusing to come fully into focus. There is a large fish, its two eyes crowded together, one behind the other, three fins fanning outward from a shared base. Its mouth spews forth a legged mass of tentacles. You know this is a fish, but how do you know? Above, a hand reaches upward, grasping passionately but aimlessly.


In dreamspace things are fragmented, inverted and remixed. Everything is strange and new but somehow completely recognizable. A jellyfish drifts through the night sky past the old water tower just like it has always, never done. A frog perches atop an auto rickshaw, refusing to come fully into focus. There is a large fish, its two eyes crowded together, one behind the other, three fins fanning outward from a shared base. Its mouth spews forth a legged mass of tentacles. You know this is a fish, but how do you know? Above, a hand reaches upward, grasping passionately but aimlessly.


The comforting stillness of the dark, a flat space where the noise of the world is muted, there is no distance, and yet nothing can touch you. You are alone together with yourself, watching, feeling, waiting, drifting.

Out of Harm’s Way

The comforting stillness of the dark, a flat space where the noise of the world is muted, there is no distance, and yet nothing can touch you. You are alone together with yourself, watching, feeling, waiting, drifting.

Out of Harm’s Way

Water is an in-between space, fluid and uncertain. It is a space of potential, filled with beings who relay their messages between dimensions. A water stain blooms with color, form and depth, revealing these messengers and the worlds they shape. The whale, wise and serene. The frog, watchful and amused. The goldfish, softly protective. The cell, chaotic and undecided. The fetus, waiting. Together they dream of a home within the city, imagination made real.


The latent image of a thought, as if captured upon a film negative. Undifferentiated cells divide and cluster, tracing paths toward fragments of corporeality - a kidney, a webbed tail fin, a blade-like cluster of leaves. Premonitions of the lives these fragments will belong to drift delicately through the space, like wisps of thread carried on a breeze.

Blue Prints